
As you know I am someone who loves living a healthy lifestyle and that usually includes regular exercise, eating a balanced diet and a healthy work/social life but that’s not all you can do. There are so many small everyday things you can change in your life to help improve your overall health and wellbeing. What else could we be doing?

Can you do something as simple as change your shoes?

As a Pilates expert, I am all for anything that helps improve posture and alignment. But also as an eco-conscious Mum, I am continuously questioning what I use and buy and whether or not it has been made with our wellbeing AND the environment in mind.

You may have seen on my stories, I was recently gifted the Vivobarefoot Primus Lite 11 and I absolutely love them! They are made of recycled plastics, super lightweight and they let your feet breath and move so freely.

In the western world we have grown used to wearing thick, cushioned soles, cutting off our feeling and your natural connection to the ground. But having something thick between our feet and the floor doesn’t allow us to feel our way around and doesn’t help with our brain – foot connection, or our overall posture and balance

Good posture comes from a stable and well aligned pelvis, which can be helped by the health and position of our feet. Wearing heels or thick soles will tilt the pelvis and put unnecessary stress on the lower back. Coupled with the fact that we spend longer and longer sitting down, it is no wonder a lot of us struggle from lower back pain. There are numerous Pilates exercises which help strengthen the lower back. I have put together a 3 week programme on the niix app, specifically designed to help strengthen your low back and say goodbye to daily pain. But minimalist shoes could also help aid alignment of your feet which will ensure you gait is not compromised when you walk or run.

The right shoes can make a huge difference in keeping your body aligned and your feet strong, mobile and pain-free. If you like the sound of minimalist shoes, these are the ones I have. And as a valuable niixer we are happy to offer you 10% off, Just enter niix10 at the checkout to claim your discount

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