
With the lockdown still ongoing, we are still in the midst of a very uncertain time with an overwhelming feeling of ‘the unknown’ surrounding us.

At the same time as worrying about our new lives and routine, so many of us have worries and concerns of our own, not least when going through perimenopause & menopause. Aside from the physical discomfort during this time, it can also weigh heavily on our mental health.

Side effects of the menopause can include feeling low, anxious, stress, difficulty concentrating, sleeping, memory problems and mood swings (menohealth.co.uk have some really insightful pieces on dealing iwth these side effects here). Additional to this, unable to attend and partake in the things we usually enjoy: an exercise class, meet ups with like- minded women, spending time with friends and just a general social life, can really affect how we cope during these challenging times.

So, without our regular routine, spending time with friends as a pick me up and general go to coping mechanisms out the window, how can we support and ease our mental health symptoms associated with the menopause?

1. Be kind to yourself. Now more than ever it is time to step up and give yourself some love. Putting yourself down and getting frustrated and annoyed with yourself will just make you feel worse. Feeling low, especially when experiencing something as huge as the menopause is completely normal. Never feel guilty for having moments like this and you should never feel alone. Reach out to other women who are going through a similar stage of life and always support each other.

2. Make use of the fresh air. Make the most of the incredible weather we are having! With the latest guidelines in place, we are all able to make the most of getting outside and getting some fresh air. Whether it’s a walk, run, workout or just simply sitting somewhere where you can social distance safely with one other or just listen to your own thoughts.

3. Continue with regular exercise. With the help of the internet and social media, it has never been easier to exercise in the comfort of your own home or garden. It is no secret that whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting out, exercise can simply make you feel great! There are hundreds of classes on the niix app lasting no more than 25 minutes – perfect for getting into a routine and having a good sweat!

4. Make use of video calling. Again, a big shout-out to the internet right now keeping us all virtually connected. Try and organise a regular call to check in with family and loved ones, especially if you are feeling alone. A quick virtual hug could be just what you need to put that smile back on your face!

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