How to exercise when you simply have no time…

The most common restraint and barriers I come across always surrounds time – or rather lack of it! My first tips to get you set on your way are all about how we can keep our health and fitness on track even on those crazy busy days! Have a read…

Summer is right upon us and we all know that when our to-do list gets long and the days get crazy, ourselves and our health can slip to the bottom of the priority list. Trust me, we’ve all get those days!

It happens to ALL of us and here’s the thing — we can’t always control what life throws our way. What we can control is our perspective and the choices we make!

Today I want to share a few of my top tips to help you stay on track when things get hectic.

My Top Tips ~

WRITE it down!

Now I LOVE my lists! Every morning I sit with my coffee and plan out my day. I make a to-do list in my planner of all my daily short-term goals, plus longer-term goals and intentions. If you’re a visual person like me, you know how satisfying it is to cross off those daily tasks! And writing them down helps me clear my mind of all my to-dos and tap into my creativity!

There’s always 20 minutes in a day to CRUSH your workout!

Wake up and work out! By waking up a little earlier to get your #GetGlowing workout in, you’ll already have the most important thing crossed off your list! Your morning workout will energize you and boost your metabolism for the rest of the day. You’ll also feel happier and more productive once you’ve done your sweat sesh (helloooo feel-good endorphins!).

If mornings just aren’t for you have you tried a workout during your lunch break? Or even while the kids are doing their homework! The best part about the app is it works for you and your schedule! ?

Meal Prep

Dedicate an hour or two to meal prep on Sundays — this will save you SO much time during your week! This is my #1 tip for staying on track when you’re super busy. There are countless mornings when I’m short on time trying to get out the door ~ having a healthy breakfast prepped allows me to just grab and go!

Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate

I always have my niix water bottle with me. I won’t leave the house without it! Staying hydrated boosts your metabolism, keeps you energized (just what you need on those busy days), and makes your skin glow. We often confuse hydration for hunger too, so keep that water on you! Try adding some fresh lemon, mint, or crushed berries to your water for extra flavour!